Sinopia is determined to provide qualitatively – customer oriented, timely and transparent, quantitatively – research and data-based service that distinguishes and enables it to build a mutually beneficial and long-lasting relationship.
Based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Sinopia is a company engaged in the export of agricultural commodities such as Coffee, Pulses, Oil seeds, and Spices.
With offices in most major cities throughout East Africa, USA and Guangzhou, China, Sinopia is uniquely positioned to provide a complete supply chain solution in wide ranging sectors such as printing, lab equipment and related supplies, agro and solar technology solutions and more. Under the same umbrella as Sinopia we find an even wider range of companies in sectors of medical equipment, real estate, construction materials, furniture, manufacturing, logistics, etc.
Sinopia is determined to provide qualitatively – customer oriented, timely and transparent, quantitatively – research and data-based service that distinguishes and enables it to build a mutually beneficial and long-lasting relationship.
We at Sinopia invite you to partake in Africa’s growing economies by forging strong alliance with our dependable forward-looking company, with doors wide open to new ideas and possibilities of doing trade!
Our vision is to have a trade based prosperous Africa by learning and adopting from the forbearers of trade, revitalizing trade in Africa one sector and one country at a time.
We believe Africa as a whole has tremendous resources, all necessary resources, to prosper and become a self-sufficient continent like no other, and that all it takes is the ability to look beyond our daily basic needs, a realization that is sipping in increasingly.
We value inquisitive minds: question, understand, adopt, and innovate in that order and iteratively always at all levels of our life in order to be able to deliver on our missions. Honesty, and integrity are other attributes we bring to all our dealings and upon which we measure our relationships and conduct.